




Rousing our deeper sensory understanding of the worlds around and within us.

"...profoundly beautiful and affecting."

"Wow wow wow - that was electrifying. So incredible. So very special."

"Perhaps we'll remember this as the night we arose from our slumber..."

Surrounded by narratives of fear and urgency, we are schooled to react to the world in a cycle of heightened nervous arousal which has become the default sensory state for humanity. Struggling to hear beyond the drone of human urgency, we forget our innate capacity to listen and respond to the world from a deeper sensory understanding, beyond the grasp of ‘knowing’.

Alex’s creations help us to (re)awaken this innate capacity, relocating our agency and our presence in wonder by leaning into the unfamiliar comfort of not-knowing, we become more open for emergence, and remember the soft power of responding to urgency by slowing down.

WoLambie - Poet, Artist, Fellow at Hawkwood College, RSA Fellow, and UNESCO Futures Literacy Fellow of Storytelling.