



enki is an immersive adventure in emergence. Rousing your deeper sensory understanding of the worlds around and within you, it has a powerful, often transformative effect upon listeners.

"...profoundly beautiful and affecting."

"Wow wow wow - that was electrifying. So incredible. So very special."

"Perhaps we'll remember this as the night we arose from our slumber..."

Many of us live in worlds of continual plan-making and to-do lists, anticipating every peak and trough, surrounded by narratives of fear and urgency. We work so hard, maybe even fight, to secure a ‘brighter future’ for ourselves, for our families, for the world, only to be met by yet more uncertainty, by another layer of complexity.

enki invites us on a different journey, to slow down in response to urgency; to linger in the liminal and the intuitive, to lean into the unfamiliar comfort of not-knowing, open for the wonder of emergence, where being is the compost of doing.